API Reference

Hotel tech developers: Integrate AI Assistants, a multi-agent system, and knowledge management using our RESTful APIs.

Our API-first platform embodies "hotel management as software," serving as a dedicated business logic layer that integrates AI directly into human teams. We enable the seamless incorporation of hotel tech software into workflows traditionally handled by hotel employees, bringing together diverse systems in a cohesive, multi-agent ecosystem. For example, you can deploy solutions like restaurant menu engineering based on guest demographics on top of our platform's existing PMS and POS integrations!

Leveraging our platform provides your technology (SaaS or AI agents) with a perfect grounding in each hotel's unique context, enriched by industry best practices.

Our initial suite of API domains starts with the Assistants and Inventory APIs, and we’ll be gradually opening up additional internally used APIs to the developer community: Knowledge API, Tools API, Skills and Agents API, Workflows API, and more.

Currently, API access is unrestricted, with authentication and authorization measures coming soon.

We are excited to see what you are going to build!

InHotel Swagger

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